Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weight Loss Wednesday

I'm going to try something new on Wednesdays! So, in the past year I've gained between 50 - 60 pounds (yikes)...I guess that's what a combination of being out of work for 6 months, being on an anti-depressant and then starting back to a hectic, never the same "schedule" for school will get you... Thus, I'm miserable with the way I look and especially the way I feel. As with everything else I seem to do, I need to be held accountable to actually do it. So, you all are going to be the ones holding me accountable. I'm going to start a weekly "weight loss wednesday" post and update you on how my week went, what worked, what didnt, what I did for exercise and how much I lost! Obviously since this is Day 1, I have nothing to report...but I'll be back next wednesday and hopefully with good news :)


  1. Can I play along? Maybe I can get this baby weight off if you hold me accountable too!! YAY!

  2. Of course you can play along, yay :)
