Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust....

Another semester has come and gone! I can't believe I'm over halfway done with nursing school. I finished this semester off with 2 B+'s and I'll take it! I'm ecstatic with how this semester turned out. On Monday morning I go back for the summer semester (so much for a break, huh?).... I'm excited though b/c I go back to do my OB class which I can't wait for!

Not an exciting post, I know, but I have a few days to relax so hopefully I can drum up something exciting to post!

Hope everyone is having an excellent week. As for me, I'm off to bed so that I can sleep in and then hit the gym in the morning! Sounds like a fabulous start to my "mini" break!!!

366 days until the end of nursing it too early to start a countdown?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Never too early to start a countdown!!! I now need to start the countdown to my Master's, which should be done in another 2 years...haha!!!
